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Poems / Audio                     

Randall Potts Trickster poet poetry University of Iowa Press




"Trickster" is the title poem of the new collection.

"The Trouble With You"
"The Trouble With You" originally appeared in Unsplendid 5.2  Special thanks to editors Douglas Basford, Jason Gray and Ida Stewart. And to Ned Balbo.


"A Natural History"


A slightly different version appeared in the West Marin Review, Winter 2010, V. 3. My thanks to the editors.



"Walk" originally appeared in Poetry Flash. My thanks to Joyce Jenkins, editor and publisher and Richard Silberg associate editor of Poetry Flash.

Randall Potts Trickster poet poetry University of Iowa Press



"Math" is an unpublished poem from Trickster.



"Familiar" appeared as a Pocket Poem in the April 2014 series published by Mrs. Dalloway's bookstore in Berkeley, California. My thanks to Mary McCulloch Fox, Poetry Buyer and Poetry Events Coordinator at Mrs. Dalloway's. 

Randall Potts Collision Center poems poet poetry O Books

Collision Center Typescript



This PDF edition of Collision Center consists of the author's original final typescript with notations. No changes or edits have been made to the original document. The "PDF: Collision Center" download button will open a new browser window containing the PDF file, please save it to your desktop. In preview mode, the pages may appear off-center, however, the printed version will be centered.


Collision Center was first printed by O Books in 1994. The O Books edition is out of print.

This document is provided by the copyright holder Randall Potts.

@ 2014 by RandaII Potts. AIl rights reserved. 










© 2014 by Randall Potts.  All Rights Reserved.

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