Collision Center: Download Typescript
In 1994, O Books first printed Collision Center. Poems in Collision Center had previously appeared in American Poetry Review, Antioch Review, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Five Fingers Review, O Anthology 4: Subliminal Time and O.Blek.
In her blurb of the book, poet Ann Lauterbach wrote:
"In RandaII Potts' poems, nature and language collide, and then proceed, each having been transformed by the other. The result is a kind of prayer and a kind of scream, as we witness the newly manifest being carried away on the stark clarities of his lines, "watchlessly dis-figuring / what remains to be seen." There is gratitude and there is terror: here they embrace."
This PDF edition of Collision Center consists of the author's original final typescript with notations. No changes or edits have been made to the original document. The "PDF: Collision Center" button will open a new browser window containing the PDF file, please save it to your desktop. In preview mode, the pages may appear off-center, however, the printed version will be centered.
Collision Center was first printed by O Books in 1994. The O Books edition is out of print.
This document is provided by the copyright holder Randall Potts.
@ 2014 by RandaII Potts. AIl rights reserved.
I participated in a reading that was held at the Ear Inn in NYC on October 2, 1993. The reading was curated by poet Lee Ann Brown and was part of the ongoing Segue Reading Series. I was the first reader, followed by Barbara Guest. The link below leads to a recording of my part of that reading which is part of the Segue Series archive.
After Collision Center was published in 1994, I had intended to publish an additional poem "Life As It Could Be," written in 1993, while the book was in production. Unfortunately, this did not come to pass. In 2016, I revisited the poem and made some slight revisions while retaining the style, form and aesthetic that shaped the original version. I'm very pleased to share this version of "Life As It Could Be" as a PDF file. Please reduce the size setting on the PDF file because it defaults to a larger sized text that prevents each page being seen completely.
@2020 by Randall Potts. All rights reserved.